Help Center

Shipping Information

How long will it take to ship?

Please allow 2 business days for our team to prepare and pack your order. After that, USPS ground shipping will be 2-5 business days depending on your location.

Can I track my package?

Yes! Whenever you order, a tracking number will be included in your conformation email.

Do you ship internationally?

 Unfortunately, as of right now we only ship within the United States.

Is there a return policy?

We do not offer returns or exchanges at this time, so please make sure to double check your cart before checking out!


Treat Information

Are these treats healthy for my dog?

Yes! Our treats have a very small, natural ingredient list that doesn't include any preservatives or artificial flavors. Please read the ingredient list before purchasing to see which treats your pup will like best!

What is the feeding guide?

The feeding guide is listed on the back of every treat bag. It states, "This is a dog treat, intended to be fed as an occasional snack. This product is not a replacement for dog food."

How long do the treats last?

Since our treats do not contain any kind of preservatives, they last at least 6 months. This date can be extended if you choose to keep our treats refrigerated. Every bag will have a "best before" date listed on the back.